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Thread Lift

Thread Lift

What is a Thread Lift?

If you want to revive the youthful appearance of your skin without the time and expense of surgical facelift, but longer-lasting results than nonsurgical treatments, consider thread lifting for the face and neck. At MY AURA, we offer thread lifting, a minimally invasive technique that mimics the effects of a surgical facelift. Using polydioxanone (PDO) thread, the absorbable thread that has been used in medicine for over 10 years, this procedure lifts and tightens the face and neck. The PDO thread is specially designed to stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, so the health of the skin is improved over time.

Who are a good candidate?

Good candidates are those patients who are starting to see some droopiness of the brow, cheeks, jowls and/or neck and would like to see a lift effect, but do not want the risk, scars, or recovery of a real surgical browlift, facelift, or necklift operation.

Thread Lift Effects

  • It provides elasticity to your sagging facial skin and reduces facial wrinkles.

  • It softens brilliant smile lines (nasolabial lines) and sagging cheeks.

  • It improves elasticity of your overall facial skin via collagen generation inside your facial skin.

  • If you receive a Thread Lift around your jawline, you’ll have V-shaped or Sharpened jawline.

Result and Downtime

On the day of your treatment, you will relax in one of our treatment rooms as a local anesthetic is injected into the areas of your face that will be addressed. After the anesthesia is active, Doctor will carefully insert the PDO threads. The threads will be attached to the skin tissue and then raised until the desired effect is achieved. Patients may have minor swelling or redness or bluish or bruising that will resolve on its own in 1 – 2 weeks.

The result of the Thread Lift is immediate and even more noticeable after 1-2 weeks when all the swelling and potential bruising has resolved. The results will continue to enhance as your skin produces even more collagen over the next several months ( 9-18 months). More threads can always be inserted down the line to continue to improve the results and prolong the results even more. If you choose to have a more intensive surgical procedure or facelift at a later point, this can be done without any problems as the PDO sutures will be absorbed completely without leaving any kind of scarring. You can make up in the day after Thread lift.