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Double Chin Reduction

 Double Chin Reduction

Ageing features in the chin can occur as early as your 30s. The sharp pulled-up skin under your chin may slowly disappear and start becoming more apparent in the mirror. With overweight people, the neck can develop localised fat deposits.

Excessive stubborn fat under the chin is one of the hardest things to get rid of. Loose sagging skin is a very visible sign of age or weight-gain, or simply genetics. In medical terms, it is called buccal fat and submental fat, and is present in everyone - the only difference is how visible they are. Double chins are extremely frustrating as they don’t necessarily appear from being overweight, and oftentimes, diet and exercise can’t specifically target that area.


·         Patients who wish to achieve a slimmer V-line face without Surgery

·         Patients who wish to achieve lifting effects for under-chin areas

·         Patients who wish to achieve tighter, firmer skin under the chin

At My Aura Clinic, there are multiple solutions to combat this issue, and achieve a smaller and more V-line chin.

·         Double Chin Reduction Through

·         MesoFat injections,

·         Threadlifts,

·         HIFU Lift and /or

·         Botox Lifting Techniques.

Mesofat is a controversial technique in which substances are injected into into layers of fat and connective tissue under the skin. The injected ingredients can include agents that are used to burn down fat in the concerned areas such as : Cheeks and double chin.


Most responses from our patients are usually positive, as you can obviously see the change after 3-5 days of treatment with some sessions ( some may need 4-6 sessions if only targeted for localized fat). There are no long term side effects of Mesofat injection, most are temporary and are limited to bruising and mild irritation. Healthy diet and Exercise after treatment is highly encouraged so that you will be permanently in the shape you want.