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Skincare Services

 PRP at My Aura

PRP has stepped into the cosmetic world due to greater demand from patients who seek less invasive procedures for facial rejuvenation and a very good source of growth factor that resides abundantly in the platelet. In Platelet Rich Plasma, you will find a cell that creates collagen called fibroblast which helps cure various kinds of skin problems, such as wrinkles, hair growth, and acne scar these are primarily the major two problems caused by a massive loss in collagen and elastin fiber from the aging process.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) has been widely used in different fields of medicine as an autologous therapeutic product. The main component that appears to be associated with the therapeutic effect is the presence of growth factors (GF).

Growth factors in PRP:

  • Platelet-derived growth factor ( PDGF (aa, bb, ab))

  • Transforming growth factor ß,alpha(TGF-(ß ,alpha)

  • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

  • Epidermal growth factor(EGF):

  • Insulin-like growth factor(IGF I,II)

  • Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)

The benefits of PRP treatment may include:

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

  • Enhancement of skin texture and tone

  • Enhancement of depressed scarring left by previous acne or other injuries

  • Tightening of skin and improvement in skin laxity

  • Improvement of creepy skin such as neck, chest

  • Generation of new collagen fibers

  • Improve the hair growth


A small vial of blood will be taken from your arm, and will then be spun in the process of separating blood cells and platelets called centrifugation for 5 minutes. Once we get the beautified blood out of the centrifuge, we can now use that PRP with the microneedling method (Dermapen) which contains 36 small needles to correct so many skin problems in several ways to improve skin tone and texture.

We also set up a perfect combination to reach the maximum efficiency of your treatment, where we combine PRP with other vitamins, proteins and peptides, collagen and hyaluronic, and also skin cell extracts.

PRP Advantages

  • PRP promotes local tissue growth and repair.

  • Patient’s safety – patient’s own blood: No disease transmission.

  • Non-toxic No rejection.

 Result and Downtime

Topical and injectable PRP treatments involve minimal to no downtime. Patients may see redness for 1-3 days, some may see scaling off in the 4-5th day and then will get better skin day by day. Most patients will see improvement in a couple of weeks in texture and tone that will last up to three to six months. Patients can cover the full makeup 3 days after PRP therapy at My Aura.



High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) provides a non-invasive alternative to surgical facelifts and body contouring, with no downtime.

HIFU can provide a visible, lasting slight lifting and slimming effect in the remodeling of the face, by the ablation of unwanted soft tissues (fat deposits) and the stimulation of the production of collagen, helping your skin to maintain its youthful suppleness in a subtle and natural way.

HIFU targets local areas such as the brow, cheeks, jowl, and neck, providing face skin lifting and rejuvenation. You will soon notice a marked improvement in the general facial aspect.

HIFU treatment at My Aura

HIFU is usually a one-off treatment that helps get to tighten and firm up the soft tissues of the face and body, without the trauma and the risks of needles or surgery, and a lifting effect on the skin that lasts up to 6 months onwards.

The treatment is suitable for anyone of any age and all skin types. Several rounds of treatment may be required for cases of severe sagging skin, for noticeable results. Not is HIFU only suitable for those with wrinkles or saggy skin, but it is also perfect for younger patients to achieve a sharper, more V-line or smaller face shape.

What are the results you can expect?

Overall, it is a comfortable and painless non-invasive procedure that takes about an hour with no downtime for most patients. Depending on the targeted areas of treatment, you can expect these results:

  • Slimmer jawline

  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines

  • Pore reduction

  • Tighter and smoother skin

  • Reduced double chin

  • Jowls reduction

  • Lifted neck

  • Skin tone improvement


IPL Treatments

Intensive Pulsed Light (IPL) is a type of non-ablative skin-resurfacing treatment using an intense light source, directing a broad-spectrum high-intensity pulsed light on the skin, and targeting specific colored cells, absorbing the electromagnetic wavelengths sent onto them before turning them to infrared, ensuring the destruction of the targeted undesired imperfections.

Our IPL machine can treat several conditions, with the help of photo filters to remove unnecessary wavelengths and by keeping those required for a specific targeting task.

A wide range of dermatological issues is effectively treated such as:

·      aging skin

·      active acne

·      pores enlargement

·      hairs removal

·      pigmented lesions

IPL process at My Aura Clinic

A cold gel is applied to the area being treated. IPL devices often have integrated cooling systems. The smooth, crystal surface of the IPL treatment head is applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated.

The procedure of the IPL laser treatment

Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes. The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime — a patient can often have the procedure done during their lunch break and return to work immediately afterward.

Frequency of the IPL procedure

A course of 4-6 sessions every 2-3 weeks may be needed to achieve desired results.

What to expect from the IPL laser

The results may not be as dramatic as ablative resurfacing where both the dermis and the epidermis are targeted to produce a much more noticeable overall outcome.

Microneedling RF (Radiofrequency) 

Microneedling RF is a cosmetic procedure that uses tiny needles and radiofrequency waves to rejuvenate facial skin.

The treatment is a form of controlled skin injury that stimulates the growth of healthy skin, which can benefit common skin issues like acne scars and wrinkles.

 What is Microneedling RF?

This procedure uses Tiny needles with radiofrequency waves to create micro-wounds, or channels, in the skin. This triggers the production of capillarieselastin, and collagen.

The skin that grows back is thicker and smoother. This can target:

You can also get radiofrequency microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

In this procedure, your doctor draws blood from your arm and uses a machine to separate the platelets.

After a microneedling RF session, your provider injects or applies the platelets to the treated area. This may maximize the results of your treatment.

 Who’s an ideal candidate for Microneedling RF? 

Microneedling RF is considered safe, but it isn’t appropriate for everyone.

if you:

  • are in good health

  • have early signs of aging

  • have realistic expectations, you may be an ideal candidate

Alternatively, you should AVOID the treatment if you:

  • currently or recently used Accutane

  • have an active cold sore breakout

  • have a skin infection

  • have a moderate to severe skin disease (like psoriasis)

  • are receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • are taking anticoagulants

  • have a history of keloids, hypertrophic scarring, or poor wound healing.

 How’s the Microneedling RF procedure done? 

Prior to the procedure

At your initial appointment, your provider will ask questions about your medical history and expectations. They’ll also take photos of your face to determine the best technique for your condition, as well as provide instructions on how to prepare for the procedure.

During the procedure

1.     Your doctor cleans your skin with alcohol to prevent infection.

2.     They apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment area about 30 minutes before applying the anesthetic cream. The anesthetic numbs the area so you won’t feel pain.

3.     The microneedling device makes tiny wounds in the skin. Simultaneously, the tip of the needle releases radiofrequency waves into the wounds.

4.     The procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes. The exact duration depends on what you’re treating.

5.     Your doctor applies a growth solution to support cell regeneration and minimize any discomfort.

After the procedure

You can go home or work after the treatment and return to your normal activities.

 What’s the best way to take care of your skin post- Microneedling RF?

After your procedure, your doctor will explain how to care for your skin which are

·      Apply ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort.

·      Wear SPF after your treatment. Your skin will be extra sensitive to the sun during this time.

·      Use antibiotic creams or emollients if your doctor prescribed them.

·      Use a gentle cleanser after your treatment.

·      Avoid Face wash or Wearing makeup until the next day. After 24 hours, you can return to your normal makeup and skincare routine.

 When to expect results

You’ll see results after 3 to 6 weeks. The exact time frame depends on the type and severity of your condition.

In most cases, you’ll need at least 4-6 sessions. This also depends on what you’re treating

These sessions will be done every 3 weeks. This lets your skin heal between treatments.

After the initial set of treatments, the results will last about 1 year. It’s recommended to have a touch-up session once a year to maintain your desired results.

 Are there any potential side effects of Microneedling RF?

Typically Microneedling RF is well tolerated. But like all cosmetic treatments, it may cause some side effects.

Possible side effects include:

  • dryness

  • redness

  • scaling

  • itching

  • swelling

  • mild acne flare-up

  • cold sore breakout

These side effects might last for a few hours or days.

Some complications need medical attention. If you experience any of the following, contact your doctor:

  • allergic reaction to needles

  • signs of infection

  • persisting swelling or redness

  • prolonged bleeding

  • bruising

  • fatigue

  • headache



The Carbon Peel Facial works to restore skin balance. It provides an even skin glow with perfect texture and complexion.

What’s the strong point of the procedure is that as the treated skin regenerates, the appearance of uneven skin, dark or aged spots and pigment visibly dwindled and more uniform in texture.

How does it work?

  1. Works by applying a thin layer of carbon to the skin’s surface. Once the charcoal preparation is evenly distributed, a focused light beam is administered for a precisely targeted area.

  2. The carbon particles actively absorb the light.

  3. The simultaneous generation of thermal energy stimulates the synthesis of fresh collagen and the promotion of a healthy-looking complexion. Skin structure is visibly strengthened and even opened pores are purified and cleared.

Carbon Peel Facial is an emerging cosmetic procedure that is widely accepted for its non-invasive properties and pronounced outcomes. It is also called Hollywood Peel.

Benefits of Carbon laser

  1. Cleansing of the face: Carbon absorbs excess oil and contaminants from deep pores which are destroyed once the laser is passed over the treated area. Laser is effective as it destroys the contaminated carbon particles.

  2. Exfoliation of the dead skin cells: As mentioned above the carbon gets destroyed by the laser, and the dead skin cells and the blackheads are effectively destroyed with the carbon particles providing smooth and radiant skin.

  3. Rejuvenation of the skin: Carbon peels stimulate collagen production in the skin which helps in getting plumper, firmer and wrinkle-free skin with a glow on the skin.

  4. Destruction of acne and removal of excess oil: The thermal energy of the carbon peel kills the acne-causing bacteria and helps in shrinking the sebaceous glands which produce excess oils.

So Carbon laser peel can get

-        Smoothening and Brightening of the skin

-        Deep Exfoliation of the skin

-        Lightening Age spots and Dark spots

-        Lift and Tighten the skin

Side Effects

Side effects linked with the carbon peel facial procedure are minimal, being it a gently invasive procedure.

Commonly it can cause slight redness and tingling sensation at the treatment site for a few hours post-treatment.

Do’s and Don’t

  1. Pre-Treatment

    • avoid sun exposure or any other form of tanning prior to a Carbon Peel Facial treatment

    • Use sunscreen every day.

  1. Post Treatment

    • Avoid heat or excessive sweating for 48 hours.

    • Must not use any active skin care products for 24-48 hours post-treatment.

    • Use Sunscreen every day between treatments.