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IPL Treatments

 IPL Treatments

Intensive Pulsed Light (IPL) is a type of non-ablative skin-resurfacing treatment using an intense light source, directing a broad-spectrum high-intensity pulsed light on the skin, and targeting specific colored cells, absorbing the electromagnetic wavelengths sent onto them before turning them to infrared, ensuring the destruction of the targeted undesired imperfections.

One IPL machine can treat several conditions, with the help of photo filters to remove unnecessary wavelengths and by keeping those required for a specific targeting task.

A wide range of dermatological issues is effectively treated such as:

·        aging skin

·        active acne

·        pores enlargement

·        hairs removal

·        pigmented lesions


IPL process at My Aura Clinic

Cold gel is applied to the area being treated. IPL devices often have integrated cooling systems. The smooth, crystal surface of the IPL treatment head is applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated.

The procedure of the IPL laser treatment

Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes. The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime — a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterward.

Frequency of the IPL procedure

A course of 4-6 sessions every 2-3 weeks may be needed to achieve desired results.

What to expect from the IPL 

The results may no bet as dramatic as ablative resurfacing where both the dermis and the epidermis are targeted to produce a much more noticeable overall outcome.