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Aura Facial Glow Treatment

 Aura Facial Glow Treatment

The truth is, cleaning and revitalizing your skin properly is not as simple as rubbing a special cream onto your face each morning or night. A far more effective method is to integrate cleansing, exfoliation, extraction and hydration simultaneously.

If your skin has:

·         Fine lines and wrinkles

·         Enlarged pore

·         Poor skin tone

·         Loss of elasticity and firmness

·         Hyperpgimentatation

·         Oil and congestion

·         Advanced signs of aging

And one of the best ways to do this is through our Aura Facial Glow Treatment.

Non-surgical procedure so you don’t have to worry about needles or knives.

Our Aura facial glow treatment is enhanced with deep cleansing plus a relaxing facial vitamin/hyaluronic/collagen gel infusion via electric flow to reach through skin layers and completed with a custom hydrating mask to give your skin even deeper hydration, smoother and refreshing results.

No downtime. No Discomfort. Painless. The treatment takes only 30 minutes. You can come in during lunch time and be out showing your colleagues your new smooth skin.

You can put on make-up and return to your normal activities straight after the treatment.