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Full cheeks, smooth skin, plump lips: Some people have them naturally,

while others get a little help from their doctors with dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are a great option for those looking to replace lost volume by plumping your wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin. The process is minimally invasive, and results are instant, lasting anywhere from six to eighteen months. 


Facial Design by Filler

Filler can do much more than just smooth out wrinkles, although they can help address

·         Smooth out lines around nose and mouth (a.k.a. marionette lines, smile lines (nasolabial folds, and parentheses)

·         Cheeks Augmentation

·         Temple Augmentation

·         Diminish vertical lip lines

·         Plump & enhance the lips

·         Non-surgical rhinoplasty ( Nose-shaping)

·         Chin Augmentation

·         Smooth out a chin crease

·         Hand Volume restoration

·         Improve symmetry among facial feature

Procedures and techniques at My Aura Clinic

Local topical anesthetics cream (numbing cream) will be applied prior to intervention, but local injections of anesthetics might add temporary swelling to the injection site, and might be contraindicated under certain circumstances.

For patient’s comfort purposes, some hyaluronic acid gels have added Lidocaine. In any given case, the physician is expected to inform you on the choice of products and actions.

Dermal Fillers Procedure

The lenght of procedure varies depending on the number of areas to be treated. It does not leave any pain after injection, or very minimal, so that patients can continue their daily activities, with satisfying results.