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Do you ever wish you could smooth frown lines or line across your forehead? Or the lines around your mouth or eyes? The gold standard options are often combined with muscle relaxant and dermal fillers for the most natural, youthful effect.

For wrinkle treatment, muscle relaxant (Botox) is primarily used to treat dynamic wrinkles. These wrinkles occur naturally around the eyes and mouth, as well as in between your eyebrows. They become more pronounced with age. Muscle relaxant injections relax the muscles near these wrinkles. Not allowing the muscles to move, so reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles.

 The Benefits of Botox Injections:

·         Reducing the wrinkles such as; Glabellar lines (Frown), Lateral canthal lines (Crow’s feet) and Nasoglabellar lines (Bunny lines), lipstick lines, Dimpled chin

·         Neck skin tightening

·         Facial contouring: V-Shape program (Jaw width reduction)

·         Facial skin tightening and pores reduction

·         Reducing Hyperhydrosis esp armpits


Results can be seen in 3-7 days and last between 4-6 months depending on how fast your body metabolizes the muscle relaxant. Patients can choose to repeat the treatment every six months to maintain the effect. For long-term muscle relaxant users, the dosage is often reduced with subsequent treatments. Botox has a very good safety record. Common patient complaints about Botox are mild injection site pain and bruising.